14 Ağustos 2020
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We have prepared for you a handful of suggestions for rewarding experiences so you do not have to waste much of your time.
Embark on your adventure by exploringNin, Croatia’s oldest royal city, whose history can be traced back as many as 3,000 years. From the Liburnians to ancient Romans, all the way to the Middle Ages – Nin’s history books are filled with moments of glory. Nowadays, Nin boasts a rich cultural heritage, including numerous archeological finds confirming the size and significance of this region in the history of Croatia. Following a leisurely stroll through the city’s history, we suggest you relax on one of Nin’s many beaches, whose total length is nearly eight kilometers. The most famous one is the sandy, three-kilometerQueen’s Beach, where, it is said, the wife of the famous Croatian King Tomislav came to relax and enjoy herself. It must surely be royal then!
Find out more about the history of theCondura Croaticaships, found several decades ago by the entrance to the port of Nin. Besides its history and natural attractions, Nin is known far and wide for its salt production. Learn more about this traditional craft that Nin is extremely proud of, and make sure to take one of the many “salty” souvenirs, including the famousfleur de sel, to remember Nin by.
You probably already know this, but it bears repeating: Croatia has as many as eight national parks. The natural attractions andbeautyof the Brijuni Islands, Kornati, Krka, Mljet, Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak, and Northern Velebit have been known the world over for an exceptionally long time now. Luckily,D-Marin Dalmacijais several dozens of nautical miles away from the national parks at sea, and around a hundred kilometers from those on land. Be sure to visit a few of these national parks this summer, or at least make a plan to visit one of them each time you come to Croatia on holiday. You will be welcomed by sights rarely found elsewhere.
Those who prefer good-quality cheeses and fantastic lamb should not miss theisland of Pag, as it is best known for precisely those two things.Paški sir, or the cheese from Pag, is an authentic local delicacy produced exclusively using the milk of the sheep that have been raised on the island and that feed on aromatic herbs, which give the cheeses their special flavor. These cheeses arefamous not only in Croatia but across the world. This is evident in the numerous awardspaški sirhas walked away with on the world stage,as well as the fact that, three years ago at theGlobal Cheese Awardsin the UK, the cheese made by Paška Sirana was named the world’s best cheese made from sheep’s milk. Who would not want to try it knowing all that?
If you do visit Pag, you will see that most of it is barren and moonlike. This interesting feature, although desolate and bleak at first sight, is an attraction in itself. What is more interesting though is the fact that such an environment is blessed with a rich animal and plant life fully adapted to living in such harsh conditions. They say that these conditions, coupled with the already mentioned aromatic herbs the sheep feed on, givePag lambmeatits unique and exceptional taste. Pag lamb is one of Croatia’s most famous delicacies, beloved by both locals and their guests, and true gourmands never miss a visit to Pag on their travels through Croatia.
Still, not everything on the island is bleak and barren, as you will find out if you stop by theLunj olive grove, a unique destination in the world. It is estimated that there are around 8,000 olive trees there, as many as 1,500 of them up to eight meters tall. Not only that, but some of those wild olive trees are over 1,500 years old. So, take a walk through this authentic Mediterranean olive grove, enjoy the sight of thousand-year-old trees, and in the evening, tell us all about your adventures while sipping on cocktails at ourPortus Beach Club.